British Red Telephone Box

This Telephone box is being used as a Garden Shed
This Telephone box is being used as a Garden Shed
British Telephone Box Measurements
This Telephone box is being positioned
This Telephone box is being used as a Library
This Telephone box is being used as a Swap Shop
British Telephone Box At Night
The Swap Shop
Used for storing books in
Telephone box as a Library
Used for storing things in
Telephone Box being used as a Planting shed
This Telephone box is being used as a Cafe
This Telephone box is being used as a Disco
This Telephone box is being used as a Art -Gallery
This Telephone box is being used to Store Logs
This Telephone box is Standing on the Streets of London
This is a Red British Telephone box
These are British Telephone boxes
Project Box Waighting to be Refurbished
The shell of a British Telephone box
Jubilee Box
Getting Ready to be delivered
Lifted by a fork Lift truck
A Crated Telephone box
Black Telephone Box
Brtish Red Telephone box standing in the Garden
British Telephone box being delivered
British Telephone box being Transported
British Telephone box being unpacked